<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Libraries and Node Settings

Using the libraries tabs you can access all functionalities and settings for a library.

Library Tabs

Library Tabs


Click on the Overview tab any time to show the current state of your library.

Library Node Display Settings

While in the Overview tab, click on a library node's name to change its settings. Or, while in the Management tab, right-click a library node's name and select Edit | Settings... from the context menu. In both cases, the following settings are shown. Note: You can only change the settings of a node if it contains monitoring objects already, e.g., groups, devices, or sensors.

Basic Library Node Settings

Library Node Name

Enter a meaningful name for the library node.


Enter one or more tags, separated by space or comma. For example, you can use tags later to search for the library. Tags are not case sensitive.

Node Display Settings

Linked Object

Click on the reading-class symbol to change the object which is linked with this library node. A popup window will appear, showing the Object Selector.

Node Type

Select what you want to view for this library node. Choose between:

  • Show a subtree of the device tree in the library: View all objects underneath the linked object as a device tree.
  • Show a collection of (filtered) sensors in the library: View all sensors underneath the linked object (only sensors are shown). You can combine several filters with each other (see below).

Filter By Type

This option is visible only if collection of sensors is enabled above. Select if you want to filter the sensor list by a certain type. Choose between:

  • Show all sensor types: Do not filter for a sensor type.
  • Show specific sensor types only: Filter the sensor list of the linked object for certain sensor type(s).

Note: This filter is applied in real-time. If the configuration underneath the linked object changes, the library node will show matching sensors accordingly.

Select Sensor Types

This option is visible only if filtering by type is enabled above. A list of all sensor types is shown, currently available sensor types are shown in bold letters for your convenience. Set a check mark in front of each sensor type you want to include in the library node view. You can also select and deselect all items by using the check box in the table head.

Note: This filter is applied in real-time. If the configuration underneath the linked object changes, the library node will show matching sensors accordingly.

Filter By Status

This option is visible only if collection of sensors is enabled above. Choose between:

  • Show all sensor states: Do not filter for a sensor status.
  • Show sensors with a specific status only: Filter the sensor list of the linked object for sensors in certain states.

Select Sensor States

This option is visible only if filtering by sensor state is enabled above. A list of sensor states is shown. Set a check mark in front of each status you want to include in the library node view. Choose from:

  • Unknown
  • Up
  • Warning
  • Down
  • Paused
  • Unusual
  • Down (Acknowledged)
  • Down (Partial)

You can also select and deselect all items by using the check box in the table head.

Note: This filter is applied in real-time. If the configuration underneath the linked object changes, the library node will show matching sensors accordingly.

Filter By Tags

This option is visible only if collection of sensors is enabled above. Choose between:

  • Show all sensor tags: Do not filter for a tag.
  • Show objects with a specific tag only: Filter the sensor list of the linked object for sensors with a certain tag. Note: The tag of a sensor can also be inherited by a parent object.

Select Tags

This option is visible only if collection of sensors is enabled above.

A list of all available tags is shown. Set a check mark in front of each tag you want to include in the library node view. You can also select and deselect all items by using the check box in the table head.

Note: This filter is applied in real-time. If the configuration underneath the linked object changes, the library node will show matching sensors accordingly.

Filter By Priority

This option is visible only if collection of sensors is enabled above. Choose between:

  • Show all priorities: Do not filter for the priority setting of a sensor.
  • Show objects with specific priority only: Filter the sensor list of the linked object for sensors with specific priority. Note: The priority setting of a group, device, or sensor is ignored here; only the priority setting of the sensor itself is regarded.

Select Priority

This option is visible only if collection of sensors is enabled above. Define which priority setting sensors must have to appear in this collection. Set a check mark in front of each priority you want to include in the library node view. Choose from:

  • ***** (highest)
  • ****
  • ***
  • **
  • * (lowest)

Note: This filter is applied in real-time. If the configuration underneath the linked object changes, the library node will show matching sensors accordingly.

Click on the Save button to store your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu, all changes to the settings will be lost!

Note: After applying filters it might take several seconds for the changes to become visible. This is due to internal filter processes running in the background.


Click on the Management tab to edit the contents of your library, for example, to add items to the library using drag&drop. For detailed descriptions, please see Management section.


Click on the Settings tab to open a library's general settings.

Basic Library Settings

Library Name

Enter a meaningful name for the library.


Enter one or more tags, separated by space or comma. For example, you can use tags later to search for the library. Tags entered here are inherited to all library nodes underneath. Tags are not case sensitive.

Access Rights

User Group Access

Define which user group(s) will have access to the object you're editing. A table with user groups and right is shown; it contains all user groups from your setup. For each user group you can choose from the following access rights:

  • Inherited: Use the settings of the parent object.
  • None: Users in this group cannot see or edit the object. The object does not show up in lists and in the device tree. Exception: If a child object is visible to the user, the object is visible in the device tree, though not accessible.
  • Read: Users in this group can see the object and review its monitoring results.
  • Write: Users in this group can see the object, review its monitoring results, and edit the object's settings. They cannot edit access rights settings.
  • Full: Users in this group can see the object, review its monitoring results, edit the object's settings, and edit access rights settings.

You can create new user groups in the System Administration—User Groups settings. To automatically set all objects further down in the hierarchy to inherit this object's access rights, set a check mark for the Revert children's access rights to inherited option.

For more details about access rights, please see section User Access Rights.

Note: When giving access rights to a user group, all members of this user group will be able to see the objects in the library just as seen by the user who originally created the library.

Click on the Save button to store your settings. If you change tabs or use the main menu, all changes to the settings will be lost!


You can define notification triggers for any kind of object libraries. This is even possible for dynamic libraries which can change with every scanning interval, for example, when you filter a library for the sensor status or priority. For details about how to use notifications, please see section Notifications.


In the Comments tab you can enter free text for each object. This can be used for documentation purposes or to leave information for other users.


In the History tab all changes in the settings of an object are logged with a timestamp, the PRTG user which conducted the change, and a message. The history log keeps the last 100 entries.


You can delete the entire library any time by clicking on the trash symbol on the right.




Keywords: Libraries,Libraries Node,Libraries Settings