<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Main Menu Structure
Using the main menu, you can access all functions of PRTG. Following, the most important menu items are described. Often, you can either click on an item directly, or hover it to show more items.

PRTG Main Menu Bar
Note: This documentation refers to the PRTG System Administrator user accessing the Ajax interface on a master node. For other user accounts, interfaces, or nodes, not all of the options might be available as described. When using a cluster installation, failover nodes are read-only by default.
The following menu items are available:
- Home
- Devices
- Libraries
- Sensors
- Alarms
- Maps
- Reports
- Logs
- Tickets
- Setup
- Refresh (Arrows Symbol)
- Help Center (? Symbol)
- Logout (Off Symbol)
- Search Box
Click to open the user's homepage. The default setting is PRTG's welcome page. The homepage can be changed in the user's account settings. Hover to show other menu items.

PRTG Main Menu: Home
- Dashboard 1 – Dashboard 3
The dashboards provide different preset overviews with the status of your sensors. Choose the one that fits your needs. Note: Dashboards are not customizable. You can create your own overview pages using the Maps feature. - Switch Cluster Node ›
This option is only available if PRTG runs in Clustering mode. Show available cluster nodes. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to select another cluster node. The current Master node is shown in bold letters. Click on a node's name and you will leave the current node and connect to the other, showing the same page there. - Sitemap
The sitemap contains a flat text view of all menu items. You can easily search for key words using the search function in your browser (usually shortcut CTRL-F). - Go to Mobile Web GUI
This switches to the Mobile Web GUI optimized for low bandwidth and mobile devices. Less scripting is used for more compatibility. However, this is a read-only interface. - Welcome to PRTG
Shows the welcome screen which leads you to the major sections of the web interface. - Configuration Guru
This will open the Configuration Guru welcome page. For details about the guru, please see section Using the Configuration Guru. - Make This My Homepage
Change the page that is loaded when you click on the Home button in the main menu. Select this menu item on any page and its URL will be set as the current user's homepage immediately. This setting is user sensitive. The default homepage is /welcome.htm. You can change this setting any time by clicking on this menu item again, or by changing the Homepage URL in the My Account settings.
Click to show a group view of all your devices, starting with the Root group which contains all other groups of your setup. Hover to show other menu items.

PRTG Main Menu: Devices
- Group View ›
Shows a tree view of all probes and groups in your setup. Click to show a group view of all your devices, starting with the Root group which contains all other groups of your setup. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to view the devices in a specific probe or group only. - Device List ›
Shows a list view of all devices in your setup. Click to show a table list of all devices in your setup. Hover to show other menu items. Choose Favorite Devices to show a list of all devices marked as Favorite. Note: Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to view a table list of the devices in a specific probe or group only. In the table list appearing, you can re-sort the items by clicking on the column's header items. - Favorite Devices
Shows a table list of all devices marked as Favorite. Note: To mark any device as a favorite device, select Priority/Favorite | Add to Favorites from its context menu or click on the small flag on a device's details page. - Dependencies ›
Shows an overview list of the dependencies configured for the objects in your setup. Hover the menu item to show other menu items. Choose between Selected Dependencies and Master Dependencies to view a list of all dependencies or explicit ones. Click on Dependencies Graph to visualize the dependencies between objects in your configuration. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to view dependencies of the objects in a specific probe or group only. - Add Group
Start an assistant which guides you through the process of adding a new group to your setup. For more information, please see section Create Objects Manually. Tip: You can create new groups much faster by choosing Add Group... from a probe's or group's context menu! - Add Auto-Discovery Group
Start an assistant which guides you through the process of adding a new auto-discovery group to your setup. PRTG will create a new group and run an auto-discovery in your network in order to add devices and sensors for these devices automatically. For more information, please see section Using the Auto-Discovery Tip: You can create new groups much faster by choosing Add Auto-Discovery Group... from a probe's or group's context menu! - Add Device
Start an assistant which guides you through the process of adding a new device to an existing group. During the process, you can choose if PRTG should run an auto-discover for the new device in order to add sensors automatically. For more information, please see section Create Objects Manually. Tip: You can create new devices much faster by choosing Add Device... from a group's context menu!
Click to call the Libraries feature where you can view or add custom views of your network's status and monitoring data. For more information, please see Libraries section. Hover to show other menu items.

PRTG Main Menu: Libraries
- All
Calls the Libraries feature where you can view or add custom device tree views of your network's status and monitoring data. - Add Library
Lets you directly add a new library. - Select Library ›
Show existing libraries. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to select a library.
Click to show a table list of all sensors. In the table list appearing, you can re-sort the items by clicking on the column's header items, as well as you can filter the list by related object and tag with the inline filter directly above the table.
Hover Sensors in the main menu bar to show other menu items. Note: In the column Last Value only the last value of the sensor's primary channel will be shown.

PRTG Main Menu: Sensors
- All
Shows a table list of all sensors. In the table list appearing, you can re-sort the items by clicking on the column's header items. Note: In the column Last Value only the last value of the sensor's primary channel will be shown. - Add Sensor
Start an assistant which guides you through the process of adding a new sensor to an existing device. For more information, please see section Add a Sensor. During the process, you can also choose to create a new device. This will bring you to the "Add Device" assistant you can call from the "Devices" menu directly. - Favorite Sensors
Shows a table list of all sensors marked as Favorite. Note: To mark any sensor as a favorite sensor, select Priority/Favorite | Add to Favorites from its context menu or click on the small flag on a device's details page. - Top 10 Lists ›
This is an option to show a dashboard view with different Top 10 lists regarding best/worst uptime, Ping, bandwidth usage, website response times, memory usage, and system uptime. Click to show Top 10 lists out of all sensors. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to view Top 10 lists out of a specific probe or group only. Note: The sensors will be selected by default tags. - By Current Value ›
This is an option to show a filtered sensor list. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path to view table lists of Fastest or Slowest sensors regarding - Ping
- Port
- Webpages
as well as Most Used or Least Used sensors regarding
- Bandwidth
- Disk
- Memory
Note: The sensors will be selected by default tags.
- By Current Status ›
This is an option to show a filtered sensor list. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path to view table lists of all sensors in a certain state. Select between status - Up
- Warning
- Down
- Down (Partial)
- Down (Acknowledged)
- Unusual
- Paused
- Unknown
For more information about sensor states, please see Sensor States section.
- By Uptime/Downtime ›
This is an option to show a filtered sensor list. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path to view table lists of all sensors sorted by their up- or downtime. Select between - Best Uptime (%)
- Highest Uptime (Time)
- Worst Downtime (%)
- Highest Downtime (Time)
- By Group ›
This is an option to show a filtered sensor list. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to view a sensor table list of a specific probe or group only. - By Type ›
This is an option to show a filtered sensor list. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the alphabetical menu path (it is specific to your setup) to view a sensor table list containing only sensors of one specific sensor type. - By Tag ›
This is an option to show a filtered sensor list. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the alphabetical menu path (it is specific to your setup) to see available tags. Select a tag view a table list containing only sensors marked with this tag. - Cross Reference ›
The cross reference shows information about all sensors including the set interval, access rights, notification trigger settings, schedule, and dependency. Click to show a sensor cross reference for all sensors. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to view cross reference information for sensors in a specific probe or group only, or to view them by type or tag. - Compare Sensors ›
Calls a function to compare graphs of two or more monitoring objects. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path to open an assistant for comparing several monitoring objects. For more information, please see Compare Sensors section. - View Historic Data
Calls a function for quick generation of sensor data reports. For more information, please see Historic Data Reports section. - Similar Sensors Overview
Calls an overview page listing similar sensors. For more information, please see Similar Sensors section.
Click to show a all sensors that currently show a Down, Down (Partial), Warning, or Unusual status. In the table list appearing, you can re-sort the items by clicking on the column's header items. If you select Show as Gauges, the sensor gauges will be displayed in a size corresponding to their priority. Hover to show other menu items.

PRTG Main Menu: Alarms
- All
Shows a list of all sensors which currently show a Down, Down (Partial), Down (Acknowledged), Warning, or Unusual status. - Show as Gauges
Shows the gauges of all sensors which currently show a Down, Down (Partial), Down (Acknowledged), Warning, or Unusual status. The size of the sensor gauges corresponds to their respective priority. - Errors Only
Shows a list of all sensors which currently show a Down, Down (Partial), or Down (Acknowledged) status. - Warnings Only
Shows a list of all sensors which currently show a Warning status. - Unusuals Only
Shows a list of all sensors which currently show an Unusual status.
Click to call the Maps feature where you can view or add custom views of your network's status and monitoring data. For more information, please see Maps section. Hover to show other menu items.

PRTG Main Menu: Maps
- All
Calls the Maps feature where you can view or add custom views of your network's status and monitoring data. - Add Map
Lets you directly add a new map. - Select Map ›
Show existing maps. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to select a map.
Click to call the Reports feature where you can view or add reports of your monitoring data. For more information, please see Reports section. Hover to show other menu items.

PRTG Main Menu: Reports
- All
Calls the Reports feature where you can view or add reports of your monitoring data. - Add Report
Lets you directly add a new report. - Select Report ›
Show existing reports. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to select a report.
Click to show log information for all objects in your configuration, newest first. In the table list appearing, you can filter the items by using the respective options. Hover to show other menu items. For more information, please see Logs section.

PRTG Main Menu: Logs
- All
Show log information for all objects in your configuration, newest first. - By Group ›
Show log information for objects in a certain group only, newest first. Hover to show other menu items. Select All, or follow the menu path (it is specific to your setup) to select a group you would like to show log information for. - Status Changes ›
Show log information for certain status changes only. Hover to show other menu items. Follow the menu path to view log entries with a special value in the Status field only. Select between Up & Down (shows entries with either Up or Down in the Status field), Down, Warning, Unusual, Up, Paused/Resumed (shows entries with either Paused or Resumed in the Status field), or Acknowledged Alarms. - System Events ›
Show log information regarding certain system event types only. Hover to show other menu items. Select between the following event types: Probe Related, Cluster Related, Auto-Discovery, Notifications, or Status Messages. - Object History
Shows information about changes to the PRTG setup and lists deletions of subordinate system objects. The object history page has a tab-like interface. Using the tabs you can navigate through various sub-pages in order to view the changes to all related settings and deletions of objects. Select between the following tabs: My Account, System Setup, Notifications, Schedules, User Accounts, User Groups, Reports, Libraries, or Maps.
Note: You can open a specific tab directly with the context button History in the page header bar on the corresponding pages.
Tickets show important system information or action steps to take for the administrator. For best experience with PRTG, check every ticket and conduct appropriate actions. Click to show all tickets which are assigned to the current user. In the table list appearing, you can re-sort the items by clicking on the column's header items, as well as you can filter the list with the inline filter directly above the table. Hover to show other menu items. For more information, please see section Tickets.

PRTG Main Menu: Tickets
You have several options to display a list of tickets which is filtered to your needs. You can also create a new ticket via the main menu. Available options are:
- My Tickets
Click to show all open tickets which are assigned to the current user. Hover to show other menu items for filtering these tickets depending on their status. - All Tickets
Click to show all open tickets of all PRTG users. Hover to show other menu items for filtering these tickets depending on their status. - ToDo Tickets
Click to show all open tickets from the type ToDo. Hover to show other menu items for filtering these tickets depending on their status. - Open Ticket
This will open the New Ticket dialog. Provide the needed information and confirm by clicking on Save to create a User Ticket.
For more information about available options, please refer to section Tickets.
Click to show the setup page. Hover to show other menu items. For more information, please see Setup section.

PRTG Main Menu: Setup
- Overview
Shows the setup page. - Account Settings ›
Hover to show menu items of the account settings. Choose from: - System Administration ›
Hover to show menu items of the system administration settings. Choose from: - User Interface
- Monitoring
- Notification Delivery
- Probes
- Cluster
- User Accounts
- User Groups
- Administrative Tools
- Downloads / Add-Ons ›
Shows additional downloads for PRTG. Choose from: - PRTG Enterprise Console
- Apps for iOS & Android
- Remote Probe Installer
- PRTG Add-Ons
- PRTG Billing Tool
- Desktop Notifications
- Enter License Key
Shows help on how to Enter a License Key. - PRTG Status ›
Hover to show menu items of the PRTG status. Choose from: - Software Auto-Update
Shows the Software Auto-Update status of your PRTG installation. On this page, you can also download and install available updates. - PRTG API
Shows documentation about the Application Programming Interface (API) Definition for your installation. - Contact Support
Calls the Contact Paessler Support / Send Your Feedback to Paessler page.

PRTG Main Menu: Refresh Button
Click this symbol to refresh all elements on the current page to display current data. Unlike the reload function of your browser, this merely refreshes the single page elements, not the whole page. During the refresh process, this symbol flashes.

PRTG Main Menu: Help Button
Shows the help center which supports you if you have any questions regarding your PRTG setup.

PRTG Main Menu: Logout Button
Logs out the current user and shows the login screen.
Use the search box to find objects and reports, and other items by name or tag, or to search for help.
Additionally, there are Context Menus available for all objects. Right-click on an object to open it.
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Keywords: Alarms,Devices,Help Center,Home,Logout,Logs,Maps,Refresh,Reports,Search Box,Sensors,Setup,Tickets